Sunday, September 14, 2008

Delicious Design Studio - Affordable & Delicious. Blog Design, Graphic Design, Web Design. Cute, Funky & Fabulous. | Freebies

What fun!! This website is fun, quirky and candid!! Very nicely done and such a fresh approach to the internet world.
Must check it out!

Internet Book Club: Goodreads

I was soooo impressed with this fun new website (new to me anyway). "Goodreads" allows you to build a bookshelf to share books you have read, are currently-reading, or plan to read. Better yet, you get to add friends and see what they are reading and what they thought of it for fun new ideas!! I always love the opportunity to share with friends.
Readers have the option to rate a book, write reviews, document when they finished reading it, how many times they read it, whether or not you want to sell or swap it to someone and then see other books that are similar. Great for readers, teachers and students. Even "non-readers" will be charmed and hooked by this cleverly designed site!

If you chose to try it out--look me up!

Friday, August 1, 2008

VisualDNA.... An interactive personality test!

My brother gets all the credit for showing me this site. This personality test is unlike any other I've ever seen. Instead of picking from written statements to describe yourself, you pick from a collection of pictures. Some images are suggestive and not appropriate for younger kids or students.

I was hooked on the first test and stayed up later than I had planned just to flip through a few more quizes. While I don't suggest taking a lot of them in a row because it was easy to become overwhelmed and just start clicking anything, it was definitely something to loose some sleep for!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Advertising Site

I was very pleased to find this Tampa based advertising firm. Their website is cutting edge. It has a good flow with a pleasant, thought provoking written narration.
The structure of the site really caught my eye because it turns like a book page.
The clean design supports the information they are presenting without detracting.