Monday, January 5, 2015

A Fresh Look at Lunch

It has been a busy, wonderful year of graduate school since my last post.  While I have accomplished many goals in 2014, some of the day-to-day decisions have been neglected, one of those those is lunch.  I have not given lunch much thought, but now that 2015 is starting a fresh I'd like to take a fresh look at lunch.  

I needed some inspiration, so I started with the Well+Good BlogWhat Fitness Instructors Eat.

Kale salads that are soaked over night in olive oil and lemon softens the kale and makes it easier to digest (which means less bloating).  An addition of grains and lean meats were some of the first ideas from the page.  This was from Lauren Imparto, Founder of I.AM.YOU Yoga, New York City.

Also, I liked concept of steamed vegetables coupled with grains and a protein from Amanda Freeman, Founder of SLT, New York City.

With these easy to follow basic formulas I will work on putting together healthy, hassle free lunches for a stronger and healthier me.