Sunday, June 19, 2011

High Fashion Kids Clothes

This morning as I looked at Wall Street Journal I was delighted to see the fashion scene is in a tizzy to cater to children (well parents of children) with high fashion sense. A baby Burberry Trench Coat along with Gucci baby flats were displayed on a precious toddler girl.

While this fashion craze isn't "do-able" for most moms today, especially with difficult economic times, the stir will eventually filter down into the more affordable fashion lines and who knows, moms of tomorrow might be able to purchase these "vintage" or ebay in the future.

Wall Street put together several baby styles that are available. Preppy Baby (below) is my favorite with the little baby Sperrys.

MINI ME | On mother: Burberry London Garbardine Trench Coat, $1,195,; Black Kid Simple Pump, $595, On child: Zucca Nylon Hat, $165, Fendi, New York, 212-759-4646; Burberry Childrens Double Breasted Trench Coat, $335,; Ballerina Flat, $210,

PREPPY BABY | Start them on stripes, seersucker and rope bracelets early. From top: Striped Tee, $48,; Maxou Baby Aviator by Selima Optique for Crewcuts, $80,; Yellow Rope Bracelet, $4, State News, New York, 212-879-8076; Skedaddle Skull Seersucker Shorts, $17,; Sperry Top-Sider Bluefish, $30, Stride Rite, New York, 212-249-0551

1 comment:

GossipGrl said...

IF you love sample sales and want your child to look good then your in luck and it starts TOMORROW!
Children's Sample Sale
Up to 80% off top brands including:
Armani, Baby Dior, Burberry, Etro, Les Copains, Il Guifo, Petit Bateau, Pinco Pallino

60 Grand Street (@ West Broadway)
Wednesday, June 22 – Thursday, June 30
11am – 7pm Daily