Saturday, February 9, 2013

I Love Series: Irving Farm Coffee

Since it's February (the month usually associated with love) I'm doing a love series on my blog, highlighting some of my favorite things.

Irving Farm Brew Organic Coffee is one thing I love.  Yes, the grey stripe and great packaging helps, but it also is a wonderful cup of coffee. 

To me, a perfect Saturday morning starts out quietly and slowly. I like to mentally regroup from my week of crazy.  This coffee is my Saturday morning luxury that compliments creative rejuvenation.  I became attached to this brand while living in NYC in Union Square attending NYU this past summer.  

I decided to visit Irving Farm (by internet) today and read a little about them.

Irving Farm Story:
We were founded in Manhattan in 1996 with a little cafe space near Union Square, still known simply as 71 Irving Place. Irving Farm’s founders soon realized that to deliver a truly craft-focused, hands-on approach to their love of coffee, we’d simply have to roast it, too.
We love New York — the country as well as the city — and so in 1999 we transformed a farm in the Hudson Valley into a roasting facility. The country roastery and the city cafe meet in our name: Irving Farm. Set at the foot of the Catskills and the Berkshires, our base in the historic Coleman Station district near the town of Millerton is the same region whose lush dairy farms were once the main supplier of milk to New York City in the 1800s.
I walked Irving Street all the time this summer, unaware of the ties to the brand of coffee.  It's fun to make the connection now.

I thank my Mom for being the reason I grind fresh for every pot of coffee instead of purchasing coffee already ground.  

My coffee cup of choice is usually my Savannah College of Art and Design Mug, Sean got for me this past Thanksgiving.  It has sentimental ties and it subtly inspires my creative side.

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